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What is Shop By Feeling?

Navigating mental health challenges can be hard. There are many different feelings that can be felt, and a number of ways to experience them.

We created our "Shop by Feeling" collection to help make the navigation process easier. Within six unique categories you will find tools and resources to help you manage your hard feelings.

Feelings of Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling that can be overwhelming and scary. It can show up as worry, panic, an inability to focus, and discomfort in your body. We all experience it at some point, and these past two years have really pushed us to face it head on.

This collection serves as a starting point to better understand and calm anxious feelings. These products offer resources to help you make the change you want.

Shop By Feelings of Anxiety

Feelings of Curiosity

Wondering about the meaning of life, your personal identity, or new ways to learn and unlearn? All of these questions can impact your mental health and relationships as your worldview shifts.

This collection serves as a starting place to understand some of the questions and complexities of life. Products here may help start you on a path of learning and growth.

Shop By Feelings of Curiosity

Feelings of Love

Oh, love. How can something that seems so simple feel so complex? To develop a healthy kind of love towards yourself, and others, is no simple task. Love truly can be a hard feeling.

This collection offers insights into the exciting, heartbreaking, and oftentimes challenging parts of love. These products encourage self-understanding and connection to deepen feelings of love, joy, kindness, and compassion. 

Shop By Feelings of Love

Feelings of Relaxation

 Feeling relaxed in your mind and body gives you the space to recharge and reframe your complex life. Mindfulness, self-awareness and compassion can help you manage everyday stresses. They can also help you move forward in healthy, grounded ways. 

This collection offers exploration into rest and relaxation. Products here can serve as prompts and encouragement to set aside time in your busy day to take care of yourself.

Shop by Feelings of Relaxation

Feelings of Sadness

Sadness can be so hard to tolerate. It can feel isolating and confusing, and you may not recognize yourself as you move through it. A sense of dullness, loneliness, grief and loss can make it hard to reach out for help.

This collection might help you better understand where your sadness is coming from and how to honour, tolerate, and shift it. While there is no “one size fits all” approach to overcoming sadness, the products in this collection may offer some solace as you move through these hard feelings.

Shop By Feelings of Sadness

Feelings of Vulnerability

Feeling vulnerable can be frightening and uncomfortable. Vulnerability likes to hide under other feelings, like anger and shame, that can lead us to act in ways that don't serve us well.

This collection can help you explore how and why you feel vulnerable, and what you can do about it. Products here can serve as a guide for calming your fears, setting boundaries and strengthening your relationships. 

Shop By Feelings of Vulnerability